Kareem Elmokattaf

Welcome to Kareem's website


My name is Kareem and I am in my last year of Mechatronics engineering at McMaster University. I am currently on a search for a full time position starting the summer of 2023. I am very passionate about programming, math and problem solving. Developing my skills in programming has helped improve my problem-solving skills as well as improve my ability to work around issues as they occur, not only while programming but also in real life. I enjoy being part of a collaborative team. Having been part of different teams throughout the last few years, I have enjoyed the experiences I have had. It was great learning different skills from different people and getting used to a collaborative environment.

Continuing to learn more and develop myself and my skills further has made me realize what I am capable of. As an example, over the last academic year, I have improved my ability in building and understanding circuits. I always struggled to understand how to build circuits even with the help of a lot of online resources. But over the course of the past year, I decided to make it my goal to learn how to build and understand circuits. With the collaboration of my classmates and TA's I understood how circuits are built and how they work. This is one of the goals that I have set myself for the year and I am glad to have met that goal.

After successfully competing in my "Android App Development" course using the online initiative, One Million Arab Coders, I have decided to start learning machine learning. The learning process will be tedious but I am up for the challenge. After spending a few days learning machine learning and how it works, I have developed my first machine learning program.

This is my webpage that I am currently working on improving. There is going to be a lot of work on this webpage which I am very excited to share with you. This webpage will continue to improve as I continue to learn more about HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap and PHP to make this webpage more appropriate and better.




First programming language I learned

Used as a fundamental for other programming languages

Learning how to use C to program micro-controllers


First object-oriented programming language I learned

Comfortable with using classes, arrays and algorithims


Learned Python at university

Continuing to improve and develop new attributes and skills

Enjoy Python's versatility

Learning how to use python for web applications


Used to build this webpage

Continuing to develop skills and methods

Starting to learn PHP to further develop my webpage


Learned through the One Million Arab Coders initiative

Used to analyze some lab results during one of my courses


Learned at Husky during Co-op

Used to create sheetmetal drawings and updating machine layouts


Miwok APP

Personal Project

The Miwok App is related to the Miwok Language, a Utian language, and its translation into the english language. The App helps preserve the Miwok Language as there are only a few people who are able to speak it fluently.

During my course of Android App Development using the online initiative "One Million Arab Coders" I was walked through the process of building an app. Through this course I learned more about Java and XML while using Android Studio

Personal Webpage

Personal Project

Learned HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop the webpage. Spent time familliarizing myself with bootstrap and its usages. Continuing to familiarize myself with the capabilities of JavaScript and PHP to continue developing my webpage. Learning how to use PHP to make a contact form to add onto the webpage and make the webpage more interactive.

Text to Speech System

Competition Project

The project was to develop a system to help a client with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). PSP is a condition which affects the host's ability to speak and move. Our system manipulated the letters inputted by the user on an HTML webpage into google's predictive texting to predict the words being typed. When the client had formed the sentence, pressing "Enter" would make the system run google's text to speech API.

Virus-tracking Software

Competition Project

In a group of 4, we worked on finding a solution to a given prompt. We had to develop a software that can assess a given CSV file to help track the spread of a virus. This was in relevance to the COVID-19 virus. The software we develeoped used python to help us create a visual representation of where the virus was spreading and to also give a color-coded warning depending on whether the virus seemed to develop into a global pandemic.

L3 Wescam prototype

Competition Project

In a group of 4 we were presented with a problem set by L3 Wescam. We used autodesk inventor to create a model for the problem presented. We created a model for the cameras attached to the bottom of planes to help protect them as their damage costs the company a lot of money. After completing our model we simulated how our model would work on a plane and also made a real life prototype using an arduino to present our solution.


Academic Project

For one of my courses (SFWRENG 3K04), we had to create the software and the GUI to a pacemaker. We were provided with PCB boards that we then had to program using Simulink to act as a pacemaker. We also created a GUI, using python, that would be able to register users onto the software making it easier for users to reuse the software. The GUI also provided the ability to change modes and parameters for the pacemaker to fit each user's needs.

Metal Detector

Academic Project

In a group of 3, for one of my engineering courses (ENGPHYS 2A04), we had to make a metal detector for our design lab. We used hot glue, a cup, popsicle sticks and wires to make our metal detector.The wires were made into coils which were connected to a voltage source making them carry a magnetic field between them. We made a hole in a cup to insert the metal. The oscilloscope would tell us if there was metal in the cup by the change in the graph presented on the oscilloscope.


Club Project

Being part of the mechanical team, we were responsible for the chassis of our robots. We were given the goal to improve the chassis on the previous year's robots. As a team we worked on ideas to improve the design of the robots. Another goal that was to be met was the idea of communicating better with other sub-teams of Robomaster to help in making our robots best suited for the work of all sub-teams.